Original-Titel: Fit & gesund
Ende: 21:30
Laufzeit: 28 Minuten
Fitnessmagazin, D 2024
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21:02 In Good Shape

25. September | DW English | 21:02 - 21:30 | Fitnessmagazin
DW English

Researchers estimate some 50,000 plants could have medicinal properties. In Good Shape takes a look at some of the best-known ones. What do scientists have to say about the properties of mint, sage or ginger? And what remedies can you use at home?

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Sender Datum Zeit Titel der Sendung
DW English Fr 27.09. 15:30 In Good Shape
Sa 28.09. 11:30 In Good Shape
So 29.09. 02:30 In Good Shape
Mo 30.09. 04:30 In Good Shape
Di 01.10. 13:30 In Good Shape