Original-Titel: Cities of Success
Ende: 19:00
Laufzeit: 60 Minuten
- kein Charakter -, USA 2024
Breitbildformat 16:9
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18:00 Cities of Success

29. September | CNBC Europe | 18:00 - 19:00 | - kein Charakter -
CNBC Europe

In the foothills of the Rockies, two powerhouse economies have risen above the rest to attract business and deliver impressive growth. CNBC lands in Colorado and zooms into Denver & Boulder to see how two cities have leveraged the allure of the Rocky Mountain lifestyle and driven thriving business centers in aerospace, energy, health food and tech. But explosive expansion almost always comes with significant growing pains and today Denver & Boulder face a dramatic inflection point. Can the two cities that look to the future for continued success overcome serious and unforeseen hurdles threaten their trajectories?