Ende: 16:00
Laufzeit: 30 Minuten
Auslandsmagazin, D 2024
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15:30 The 77 Percent

30. September | DW English | 15:30 - 16:00 | Auslandsmagazin
DW English

77 per cent of Africa's population are below the age of thirty-five yet their interests are under-represented poltically and economically. This show aims to redress the balance by providing a voice to the largest demographic group on the continent. These dynamic younger people are politically engaged and will determine the future path their countries, and the continent as a whole, will follow in the twenty-first century. Presented by Eddy Micah Jr. from Ghana and Wanjiku Mwaura from Kenya, the show promotes a pan-African agenda by encouraging dialogue between the various interested parties. The show pulls no punches when delivering its compelling reports, personal accounts and provocative discussions. A long overdue look at the big issues that affect the youth of Africa.

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Sender Datum Zeit Titel der Sendung
DW English Mo 30.09. 21:02 The 77 Percent
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